A Job Description for Manufacturer Representatives

A Manufacturer's representative is a type of salesperson who usually works for a manufacturers' agency. Manufacturer's representatives usually work as independent agents for one or more manufacturers. Companies use manufacturer's representatives because they are relatively inexpensive to use. A company has virtually no overhead because these agents work on commission. The job description for a manufacturer's representative includes lots of duties and responsibilities. Significance The job description for a manufacturer's representative mainly includes calling on accounts for various manufacturing companies and making sales. Manufacturer's representatives often assume the role of consultant, offering wholesale, government and retail customers the best incentives from among their multiple product lines. These independent agents typically make sales presentations like other sales reps, show product samples, answer the client's questions, then make recommendations on which products best fit their client's needs. Function The job description for a manufacturer's representative also includes performing warehouse duties, and installing more technical products for companies, according to the University of Missouri St. Louis article "Manufacturers' and Wholesale Sales Representatives" at umsl.edu. Manufacturer's representatives also perform routine maintenance on technical or industrial products and create solutions for improving their client's operational efficiency. The job description of a manufacturer's representative also includes filling out sales invoices, analyzing sales statistics and writing sales reports for their agency or manager. Considerations The job description of a manufacturer's representative may entail extensive travel. Many manufacturer's representatives have regional territories. They may need to spend weeks away from home selling to accounts all over the country. During this time, they will need to make travel arrangements, plan their route, schedule appointments and fill out expense accounts. Education and Skills Manufacturer's representatives who sell more technical products may require a bachelor's degree, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' "Occupational Outlook Handbook: 2010 to 2011 Edition" at bls.gov. However, some manufacturer's representatives only need a high school diploma..Manufacturer's representatives must have excellent communication, problem-solving and organizational skills. They must also be able to work both independently and as part of a team. For example, some manufacturer's representatives may need to work with engineers on sales calls for highly technical products. Salary and Job Outlook As of July 2010, the annual salary for a manufacturer's representative was between $40,000 and $90,000, according to payscale.com. Salary is largely contingent upon experience. The number of jobs for sales representatives, including manufacturer's representatives, is expected to grow 7 percent between 2008 and 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Read more: A Job Description for Manufacturer Representatives | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_6698489_job-description-manufacturer-representatives.html#ixzz2PcKSqzzz
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